> 文章列表 > 好学的英文拜年语句有哪些





1. Best wishes for the year to come! 恭贺新禧!这句话是在表达对对方新一年的美好祝福,希望他们能够有一个幸福美满的年。在中国,过年时尤其重视对长辈的祝福,所以这句话常常用于向爷爷奶奶、外公外婆等长辈表达新年祝福。

2. Good luck in the year ahead! 祝吉星高照!这句话是在表达对对方新一年的好运祝福,希望他们能够在新的一年里顺利、幸福。无论是朋友还是家人,都可以用这句话表达对他们新年的美好期待。

3. May you come into a good fortune! 祝您财源滚滚!这句话是在表达对对方新一年财富的祝福,希望他们能够在新的一年里财源广进、事业有成。经济繁荣是人们向往的,所以这句话可以用来对朋友或者同事祝福。



1. Happy year of the Rabbit! 祝福兔年快乐!中国十二生肖中的兔子代表着与平安、好运有关的寓意,所以这句话常常用于向对方祝福兔年快乐。

2. Wishes for the Rabbit! 祝福兔年吉祥!与前一句类似,这句话也是在祝福对方兔年快乐,同时也带有吉祥如意的意思。

3. I wish you a prosperous new year! 祝您新年快乐!这句话是在表达对对方新年的美好祝福,希望他们能够在新的一年里快乐幸福。



1. Wish you special joy at the Spring Festival and all year. 祝您在春节和新的一年中享有无限的快乐!这句话是在表达对对方在春节和新年的祝福,希望他们能够从春节开始,整整一年都能够快乐幸福。

2. In the moments with family and friends, let us warm up with laughter and cheers. 在与家人和朋友共度的时刻里,让我们用笑声和欢呼热烈起来!这句话是在表达对对方在与家人和朋友共度时刻的祝福,希望他们能够满满地享受到团圆的温暖。

3. May the new year be filled with joy, prosperity, and success. 愿新的一年充满快乐、繁荣和成功!这句话是在表达对对方新年的美好祝愿,希望他们能够在新的一年里收获更多的快乐、繁荣和成功。



At festival ,it is a tradition in China to say happy new year to the elder.This spring festival, I want to say happy new year to my beloved grandparents. Grandpa, grandma, as the spring festival is approaching, I want to express my sincerest blessings and best wishes to you. I hope you are always healthy and happy. May the new year bring you good luck, good health and good fortune. May all your dreams come true in the coming year. Wishing you a happy new year, dear grandparents!



1. A cheery New Year hold lots of happiness for you! 给你特别的祝福,愿新年带给你无边的幸福、如意。这句话是在表达对对方幸福、如意的祝福,希望他们能够在新的一年里享受到无尽的幸福。

2. May you have the best New Year ever! 祝你有一个最美好的新年!这句话是在表达对对方新年的美好祝愿,希望他们能够在新的一年里收获最美好的一切。

3. Wishing you a joyful holiday season and a prosperous new year. 恭贺新禧,万事如意。这句话是在表达对对方新年的祝福,希望他们能够在新的一年里享受到愉快的假期和如意的生活。



Happy Chinese New Year! May the year of Ox bring you good luck and happiness. Thank you for being such an inspiring English teacher. Wishing you a prosperous and successful new year! 恭祝新年快乐!祝牛年带给您好运和幸福。感谢您作为一位鼓舞人心的英语老师。祝您新年繁荣、事事成功!



1. Best wishes for the holidays and happiness throughout the New Year. 恭贺新禧,万事如意。这句话是在表达对对方新年的美好祝愿,希望他们能够在新的一年里幸福快乐。

2. May your days be filled with happiness, health, and prosperity in the Year of the Rabbit. 祝您在兔年里的每一天都充满幸福、健康和繁荣。这句话是在表达对对方在兔年里一切美好的祝愿。

3. May the new year bring you and your family joy, peace, and prosperity. 愿新年为您和您的家人带来快乐、和平和繁荣。这句话是在表达对对方和他们的家人新年的美好祝愿。



1. Wishing you all the best in the Year of the Rabbit! May your days be filled with happiness, health, and prosperity. 祝您在兔年里一切顺利!愿您的日子充满幸福、健康和繁荣。

2. May the Year of the Rabbit bring you good luck and good fortune. 祝您兔年带给您好运和好财气。这句话是在表达希望对方在兔年里能够运气好、财源广进。

3. Wishing you a hoppy and joyful Year of the Rabbit! Take leaps of success and boundless happiness! 祝您在兔年里快乐无比!希望您能够跃跃欲试,实现各种成功。



1. Allow me to congratulate you on the arrival of the new year and to extend to you all my best wishes for your perfect health and lasting prosperity. 祝贺您新年的到来,并向您表示最美好的祝愿,愿您健康完美,繁荣长久。

2. May the joy of the festival surround you and your loved ones throughout the new year. May the new year bring you happiness, peace, and prosperity. 愿节日的快乐笼罩着您和您的亲人整个新年。愿新的一年带给您快乐、和平和繁荣。

3. Wishing you a year filled with good luck and good health. May all your dreams come true in the coming year. 祝您新的一年里好运连连,身体健康。愿来年实现您所有的梦想。



1. The Spring Festival, also known as Chinese New Year, is the most important traditional festival in China. Spring Festival usually falls between January 21 and February 20 according to the lunar calendar. 春节,也被称为中国新年,是中国最重要的传统节日。春节通常根据农历在1月21日至2月20日期间。

2. It is a time when all family members get together to celebrate it. People who live away from home will go back for reunion. 这是一个所有家庭成员聚在一起庆祝的时刻。那些不在家的人回家团圆。

3. The festival lasts for about 15 days, starting from the first day of the lunar calendar and ending with Lantern Festival. 春节持续大约15天,从农历的第一天开始,以元宵节结束。

4. During the Spring Festival, people do a lot of things to celebrate, such as setting off fireworks, visiting temples, and giving red envelopes to children. 在春节期间,人们做很多事情来庆祝,比如放鞭炮、拜访寺庙,给孩子们发红包。

5. It is a time for family reunion, delicious food, and exchanging gifts. People also decorate their houses with red lanterns and couplets to bring good luck and fortune. 这是一个家人团聚、品尝美食和交换礼物的时刻。人们还会用红灯笼和对联装饰他们的房子,带来好运和财富。